Lech Lecha: Chapter 27

"Hashem came to Abraham in a vision"


The Zohar presents four complex ideas. The first [Verses 271-278]concerns the mysteries of circumcision. Before we can begin to understand any ritual performed in our physical world, we must acquire some understanding of the structure of the Upper Worlds, which are the foundation of our physical existence. The Zohar refers to ten dimensions that compose all creation. These dimensions are known as the Ten Sfirot, or Ten Emanations.

The Sfirah of Yesod is a reservoir to which all the upper Sfirot pour their various energies. Yesod gathers all these elements, blends them, and transfers this great Light to the Sfirah of Malchut, which is our physical universe. Residing just above Malchut in the structure of the Ten Sfirot, Yesod acts as the portal through which the awesome forces of Light enter our realm. As the building blocks of all creation, the Ten Sfirot reflect themselves in our world. Thus, we have ten fingers, ten toes, and our numerical system functions on base ten.

The Sfira of Yesod correlates to the sexual organ, in which the greatest expression of Light manifests. This great Light is responsible for the miracle of procreation and the pleasure derived from it.

The negative forces in our midst attach themselves to any gateway through which the greatest Light can shine. For this reason, these negative entities are found in the upper world realm of Yesod; in our physical realm, negative forces manifest in the human sexual organ. The purpose of the covenant of circumcision is to remove this negative influence from our lives as well as from the worlds above. Circumcision, performed properly with Kabbalistic mediation, removes all negativity from both the child and the world. The act of circumcision brings enormous spiritual benefits to the child, including boosting his immune system. Though small in size, the foreskin contains powerful negative forces, as if it were a nuclear warhead at the tip of a ballistic missile.

The second idea [Verses 279-281] presented by the Zohar concerns the concept of soul mates. Our success in finding our true soul mate depends on the levels we reach in our spiritual work. If we attain the necessary level of growth, we may merit the appearance of our soul mate in our life.

The third idea [Verses 282-287] explained by the Zohar concerns the power associated with the study of Torah. Rabbi Aba helps his student, Rabbi Yosi, transform his Torah study from a selfish, self-seeking pursuit, to a process of learning that expresses caring and compassion for the rest of the world.

The benefits of learning Torah are not limited to the traditional concept of acquiring knowledge. Torah study is the sum and substance of spiritual energy itself, and therefore, it reveals enormous spiritual Light both individually and collectively. Our motivation for study should not be selfish desire for knowledge and scholarship. Our purpose should be to reveal and impart Light to others.

The fourth concept [Verses 288-296] examined by the Zohar concerns the importance and power of the Zohar's Aramaic language. Aramaic is above any invisible negative influences, and this language provides a direct connection to the Creator. Accordingly, when the Creator reveals important wisdom that requires protection from potentially harmful angelic forces, the wisdom is expressed in Aramaic.

Kabbalistically, the Hebrew and Aramaic languages are not merely communication tools for mankind. This instrument of language has many other higher functions, including the direct expression of metaphysical forces in our material world.


First idea [Verses 271-278]: These specific Aramaic texts emanate spiritual influences that help cleanse and purify the realm of Yesod within us, including any negative sexual thoughts, desires or actions. It is these blockages that can prevent us from receiving our full portion of the Light.

Second idea [Verses 279-281]: According to Kabbalah, soul mates are two halves of one soul. If two people are soul mates living on opposite ends of the world, circumstances will eventually arise that will lead them across vast continents and oceans in order that they may encounter one another and reunite. The Aramaic words expressing this spiritual truth, assist us towards that end.

Third idea [Verses 282-287]: It is tempting for man to wear the garment of pride as he begins to acquire the knowledge and the secrets of the universe. This discourse helps us accomplish our learning and perform our spiritual work with an intention of sharing combined with deep humility.

Fourth idea [Verses 288-296]: We live in a world of concealment, where metaphysical forces and spiritual influences remain obscured from the five senses. Inasmuch as mankind has been conditioned to accept only that which the eyes can see, raising our consciousness becomes a considerable and difficult task. The discussion pertaining to Aramaic reinforces our own conviction and connection to the language, elevating our consciousness so that the energy pouring out from the Aramaic letters fills our soul.