100. Rabbi Aba opened the discussion with the verse, "While the king was reclining at his board, my nard sent forth its fragrance" (Shir Hashirim 1:12). This verse has been explained by the friends. When the Holy One, blessed be He, was ready and present on Mount Sinai to give Torah to Yisrael, "my nard sent forth its fragrance," as Yisrael emitted a wonderful fragrance that has shielded them for countless generations. This was what they said then, "All that Hashem has said will we do, and obey" (Shemot 24:7). Another explanation of, "While the King was reclining at his board:" While Moses went up to receive the Torah from the Holy One, blessed be He, which was engraved within the two tablets of stone, Yisrael deserted that wonderful fragrance that crowned them and said to the golden calf, "These are your Elohim, Yisrael" (Shemot 32:4).
101. Now, LET US EXPLAIN this verse from the standpoint of the secret of wisdom. Come and see, "And a river went out of Eden to water the garden" (Beresheet 2:10). This river, DENOTING BINAH, spreads on all sides when this Eden, NAMELY CHOCHMAH, joins with it in complete union in this path not known above or below, DENOTING YESOD OF CHOCHMAH, as in the verse, "There is a path which no bird of prey knows" (Iyov 28:7). Thus, CHOCHMAH AND BINAH desire not to part from one another. Then fountains and streams exit FROM THEM, DENOTING THE MOCHIN OF ZEIR ANPIN, and crown the holy son, ZEIR ANPIN THE SON OF YUD HEI, with all these crowns, DENOTING MOCHIN. It is then written, "With the crown with which his mother crowned him" (Shir Hashirim 3:11), DENOTING MOCHIN ALSO KNOWN AS CROWN. At that time, that son ZEIR ANPIN will inherit the inheritance of his father and mother, NAMELY THE MOCHIN THAT EXUDES FROM THE UNION OF CHOCHMAH AND BINAH THAT ARE REFERRED TO AS ABA AND IMA. Then, He will delight in pleasures.
102. We have learned that when the supernal King, NAMELY ZEIR ANPIN, with delicacies fit for kings sits crowned, it is written, "While the king was reclining at his board, my nard sent forth its fragrance." "MY NARD" refers to Yesod that emits blessings so that the holy King, ZEIR ANPIN, joins with the Queen, NAMELY MALCHUT. Then blessings are given to the worlds and those in the upper and lower worlds are blessed. Now the holy luminary is crowned by this level, MEANING THE MOCHIN OF ZEIR ANPIN FROM ABA AND IMA, ALSO KNOWN AS CROWNS. He and the friends lift up the praise from below upward, NAMELY FROM MAYIM NUKVIN (FEMALE WATERS), and MALCHUT crowns herself with these praises AS SHE JOINS WITH ZEIR ANPIN. Now there are blessings to pour from above downward to all friends of this MENTIONED level. Rabbi Elazar, his son, should now say some of the praiseworthy words he heard from his father.