159. Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd). "And he shall wave the Omer" (Vayikra 23:11). We are commanded to offer the sacrifice of the Omer. This offering is wholly attached above and below, which means that the Matron and her children, MALCHUT AND YISRAEL BELOW, go together. THIS MEANS THAT THE PURPOSE OF THIS OFFERING IS TO ESTABLISH MALCHUT ABOVE AND YISRAEL BELOW. Yisrael sacrifice this Omer in their state of purity, and this sacrifice is made of barley, offered so as to bring love between a wife and her husband.
160. The wife of harlotry distances herself from among them, YISRAEL, because she cannot remain BY THE BARLEY OFFERING. The woman of valor, MALCHUT, who approaches to come near the High Priest, ZEIR ANPIN, is assuredly pure, AND OF HER IT SAYS, "then she shall be free, and shall conceive seed" (Bemidbar 5:28), and she adds strength and love to her husband, ZEIR ANPIN. The wife of harlotry flees the Temple so as not to approach it, for if THE WIFE OF HARLOTRY were to approach the woman of valor, when the latter is checking herself WITH THE WATERS OF SOTAH (A WIFE SUSPECTED OF ADULTERY), she would perish. THE CURSE WOULD FALL UPON HER, AND "HER BELLY SHALL SWELL, AND HER THIGH SHALL FALL AWAY" (BEMIDBAR 5:27). She therefore refuses to come near the Temple but runs away, and Yisrael remain worthy, with the secret of Faith, MALCHUT, unmixed, SINCE THE FOREIGN MIXTURE, THE WIFE OF HARLOTRY, HAS ALREADY FLED.
161. The secret behind this mystery is that there are two sisters, THE WOMAN OF VALOR AND WIFE OF HARLOTRY. When the one smells THE MOUTH OF the other, THE WATER OF SOTAH of her examination THAT IS IN HER WOMB, her belly OF THE WIFE OF HARLOTRY swells and her thigh falls away. EVEN THOUGH THE WIFE OF HARLOTRY DID NOT UNDERGO THE TEST, BUT ONLY CAME NEAR THE WOMAN OF VALOR WHO CHECKED HERSELF, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE BARLEY OFFERING, ALL THE CURSES FELL UPON HER AS IF SHE DRANK IT HERSELF. For the checking of the woman of valor is a poison of death to the wife of harlotry. This is the counsel the Holy One, blessed be He, gave to His children, to offer this sacrifice OF THE BARLEY OFFERING to the woman of valor, NAMELY THE TEST, SUCH AS THE WATER OF SOTAH, so that the wife of harlotry will flee her and Yisrael will remain unmixed. Happy are they in this world and in the World to Come. End of Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd).