319. Come and behold, "I am your shield." "I" is the first grade, to which he cleaved at the beginning." "And Abraham said, Adonai Elohim, what will You give me?" (Beresheet 16:2). YUD HEI VAV HEI IS SPELLED WITH THE VOWELS OF ELOHIM. Adonai is spelled Aleph-Dalet-Nun-Yud, FULLY SPELLED AS Aleph-Lamed-final Pe, Dalet-Lamed-Tav, Nun-Vav-Nun, Yud- Vav-Dalet, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE NUKVA; AND YUD HEI VAV HEI IS WRITTEN WITH THE SAME VOWELS AS Elohim, FULLY SPELLED Yud-Vav-Dalet, Hei-Yud, Vav-Aleph-Vav, Hei-Yud, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF BINAH. SO HE FOUND IT DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND WHY BOTH THESE NAMES ARE MENTIONED IN THE SAME VERSE. AND IN REFERENCE TO THIS HE SAYS, The secret is to unify both the lower and upper worlds. ADONAI IS THE LOWER WORLD, WHICH IS THE NUKVA, WHILE YUD HEI VAV HEI, WHICH IS WRITTEN WITH THE SAME VOWELS AS ELOHIM, IS THE UPPER WORLD, WHICH IS BINAH. AND IN THIS VERSE BOTH ARE COMBINED TO ONE.
320. "What will You give me, seeing I go childless" MEANS I have no child. As we have learned, he who has no child in this world is called childless, as it is written, "they shall be childless" (Vayikra 20:21). AND HE ASKS, But why then did Abraham say, 'What will You give me?' It is as if he had no faith in the Holy One, blessed be He!
321. The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, "I am your shield" in this world; "your reward will be very great" in the World to Come. Immediately then, Abraham was infused with the secret of the Wisdom. He said, "What will You give me?" Because he knew that if a person has not fathered a son, he does not receive a reward when he reaches the World to Come. Therefore he said, "What will You give me, seeing I go childless," as you shall not give me what I am not worthy of. And from this, WE LEARN that a person who is not worthy of having children in this world shall not be worthy in the World to Come to be in the presence OF THE HOLY ONE, BLESSED BE HE!
322. And Abraham saw through astrology that he will not have a child. What is written, "And He brought him outside" (Beresheet 15:5). The Holy One, blessed be He, said to him, "Do not look to this - THE WISDOM OF THE STARS - but rather to the secret of My Name, WHICH IS THE NUKVA. "You shall father a son!" This is why it is written, "So (Heb. koh) shall your seed be" (Ibid.). KOH is the secret of the Holy Name, through which a son was born to him; HIS SON DID not COME from the Other Side, WHICH IS OF THE STARS AND CONSTELLATIONS.
323. Koh is the gate through which prayers are accepted, WHICH IS THE NUKVA. There the blessing abides; there a person shall fulfill his request! Koh is related to the side of Gvurah, WHICH IS AN ALLUSION TO THE NUKVA, WHICH IS BUILT FROM THE LEFT, WHICH IS GVURAH, because Isaac was born from the side of Gvurah. And the side of Gvurah is called Koh, because it produces all the seeds and fruits that come to the world; THEY COME not from the lower aspect of the stars and constellations.
324. Then it is written, "And he believed in Hashem," WHICH MEANS THAT he cleaved above and not below. He "believed in Hashem" and not in the stars and the constellations, he believed that his reward in the next world would be great, and he believed in Hashem that from the grade that was given to him, NAMELY KOH, he would be able to bring children to the world.
325. "And he counted it to him for righteousness" (Ibid. 6), he counted it to the name Koh as mercy, though it is of judgment. Another meaning of the verse, "and he counted it to him for righteousness," is that he bound the upper, WHICH IS BINAH, with the lower one, WHICH IS THE NUKVA, and combined them as one.
326. Come and behold, It has been said that 'Abraham,' SPELLED WITH THE LETTER HEI, shall father a son, while 'Aנram' shall not. If you say that he fathered Ishmael while he was still 'Abraham,' THE RESPONSE IS THAT the son promised by the Holy One, blessed be He, was not born while he was 'Abram,' because as long as he was 'Abram he begot only down below - REFERRING TO ISHMAEL. But once he was called 'Abraham' and entered the covenant, he begot above - IN HOLINESS. Therefore, 'Abram' begets only down below, while 'Abraham' begets in the upper world, as we have stated, because he was attached above to Isaac.