Vayechi: Chapter 42

A formidable mountain


While walking, Rabbi Yosi, Rabbi Yehuda, and Rabbi Chizkiyah encounter a formidable mountain. Although Rabbi Yosi is initially afraid of the danger they may encounter, knowing that where danger is obvious, one should be afraid, the three continue on. Since all three are worthy of the Shechinah's protection, and knowing that demons and evil spirits will not attack a threesome, the companions are assured that no harm will come to them. They then discuss the verse, "The angel who redeemed me." Through their discourse, we learn that the "angel" is an allusion to the Shechinah. As long as man prays to God before he begins a journey, the Shechinah accompanies him and delivers him from harm.


The protective Light from the righteous threesome of Rabbis Yosi, Yehuda, and Hezekiah filters into our lives, safeguarding us from unseen negative forces and evil entities that can wreak havoc in our lives. The blessings of The Creator emanate from these words, giving us further protection in our journeys, both physical and spiritual.