Vayechi: Chapter 84

"Silver was not accounted for anything in the days of Solomon"


Here, the Zohar reveals the mighty power of the sun, Zeir Anpin, and its ability to transmute the dust of the world into gleaming gold. Moreover, we're told that the merciful Light of Zeir Anpin removes judgment from Malchut, thereby increasing gold. Such was the spiritual landscape during the reign of King Solomon. Because David had already perfected Malchut, Solomon's mystical power was directed at arousing wealth, love and Light. However, we learn that Solomon miscalculates the spiritual processes taking place in the Upper Worlds and rejects the Right Column energy of mercy [silver]. This action darkens the moon, allowing judgment to impact our world, hence the phrase, "Silver was not accounted for anything."

Moreover, because sacrifices are no longer offered in the temple, Judgment occurs each day of our lives. The Zohar then explains that the prayers of man can perfect the Upper and Lower World and remove the Left Column force of judgment.


When we extend mercy to our friends and enemies, the Light of Zeir Anpin illuminates our own lives with mercy, transmuting judgments set against us into praise. When mercy is not part of our consciousness, Judgment is allowed to befall us every day. Hence, this passage awakens mercy within us, so that we may bestow it upon others. Our connection to these words helps perfect the Upper and Lower Worlds, whose union also removes judgment from own lives.