167. All those who preserve the Holy Covenant must show themselves in the presence of the Holy King, since they are there to be seen only for the purpose of showing that they are members of the Holy Covenant. Therefore, "all your males shall appear" (Shemot 23:17), who are members of the Holy Covenant. The head of the Yeshivah points out that it says "Zechurcha" (Eng. 'your males') and not 'Zecharcha' (Eng. 'your memory'), since the word "zachar" is written, NAMELY MALE, and not 'zachor' or memory, SINCE IT DOES NOT MEAN 'YOUR MEMORY.' Why "your males," - WHY JUST MALES? It is only those who preserve the Holy Covenant and do not sin with it who are worthy children of the King, who gets praised through them daily and always remembers them. Therefore, THE SCRIPTURE SAYS: "your males," MEANING the King remembers those who have a Holy Covenant every day, since there is no praise before the sublime King as the one who preserves this covenant.
168. Therefore, there is a requirement to be seen in His presence three times a year. Why exactly three times? It is only for the honor of the three patriarchs that accepted upon themselves this covenant as before all other commandments in the Torah. Therefore, it is three times a year. Abraham accepted the covenant and Isaac accepted the covenant. Jacob was most perfect of all, SINCE ABRAHAM AND ISAAC CORRESPOND TO THE RIGHT AND LEFT AND JACOB CORRESPONDS TO THE CENTRAL COLUMN THAT IS COMPOSED OF THE OTHER TWO. Therefore it is written by him: "And Jacob was a plain (tam: perfect) man" (Beresheet 25:27), MEANING MORE PERFECT THAN THE OTHERS.
169. Abraham was called Tamim (Eng. 'perfect'), but he was not all that perfect. However, Tam is most perfect. It is written about Noah: "A just man and perfect (Heb. tamim) in his generations" (Beresheet 6:9), for he was impressed with a holy mark among them. The head of the Yeshivah said, Anywhere that is written Tamim, ITS MEANING IS that he is inscribed with the holy mark of the sign of circumcision. Since he preserved the covenant, he was called Tamim in his generation, while all the others were not so, MEANING THAT THE OTHERS DID NOT KEEP THE COVENANT, as they corrupted their paths.
170. Therefore, it is written: "And Noah walked with the Elohim" (Ibid.). HE ASKS: Who could possibly walk with THE ELOHIM? HE REPLIES: The Shechinah joins anyone that keeps the Holy Covenant. Therefore, it says, "You shall be perfect (Heb. tamim) with Hashem your Elohim" (Devarim 18:13), WHICH MEANS to first be perfect and then you will be joined "with Hashem your Elohim." If he preserves this covenant, he will be with Hashem and not separate from Him.
171. Of Abraham, it says, "Walk before Me, and be perfect (Heb. tamim)" (Beresheet 17:1), MEANING the sign of circumcision THAT IS CALLED TAMIM: "Walk before Me." From here, we take it that a male should not walk behind a woman but rather in front of her, which is the fit way. HE INQUIRES: It is written: "Behold, I send an angel before you" (Shemot 23:20), WHICH MEANS THE SHECHINAH REFERRED TO AS ANGEL and also: "And I will send an angel before you" (Shemot 33:2). HENCE, THE SHECHINAH WAS GOING IN FRONT OF THEM AND THEY BEHIND HER. HE REPLIES: Abraham, who was not circumcised, was pushed in front of Her, AND SHE DID NOT ALLOW HIM TO WALK BEHIND HER. Therefore, it is not written: 'Be perfect and walk before Me,' but rather "Walk before Me" AS LONG AS YOU HAVEN'T YET BEEN CIRCUMCISED, since you are not worthy yet TO GO BEHIND ME until you will be perfected, MEANING UNTIL YOU ARE CIRCUMCISED. It is the same with everybody. As soon as the person is perfected and preserves his perfection, the Shechinah immediately is in front of him and he is behind Her, since he is now fit for it. It is to one's detriment that it is written, "for he is turned back from following me" (I Shmuel 15:11), WHICH MEANS HE IS NOT WORTHY OF RECEIVING FROM THE BACK OF THE SHECHINAH.
172. Noah was circumcised and perfect, but his membrane was not uncovered. Because he did not perform this act of uncovering the membrane, it is written: "AND NOAH WALKED with the Elohim" and not behind the Elohim. He wasn't in front of the Shechinah, because he was circumcised and he wasn't behind the Shechinah, because he didn't perform this act of uncovering the membrane. How was it with him? "With the Elohim," meaning close to Him, but unable to observe HIS BACK since he was not that worthy - AND ALL THIS, SINCE HE DIDN'T PERFORM THE ACT OF UNCOVERING THE MEMBRANE (HEB. PRIAH).
173. About Yisrael, it says: "And Hashem went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud...and by night in a pillar of fire..." (Shemot 13:21), MEANING THAT THEY TRAVELED BEHIND HASHEM. As soon as Yisrael said, "Because there were no graves in Egypt...for it had been better for us to serve Egypt" (Shemot 14:11-12), their minds seemingly weakened. THEREFORE, it is written: "And the angel of Elohim who went before the camp of Yisrael, removed and went behind them" (Ibid. 19), MEANING THEY WERE PUSHED IN FRONT OF HASHEM. He "removed" to do vengeance on them. (THE CONTINUATION IS MISSING).
174. (THE BEGINNING IS MISSING) and about this, the Messiah was glad and the head of the Yeshivah rejoiced when told of this. The head of the Yeshivah, who was being precise, inquired of the Messiah and said, From where did Daniel know that he said, "Your kingdom is divided and given to Media and Persia" (Daniel 5:28)? He learned it from these letters of "ufarsin" (Ibid. 25. THAT WAS IT IS WRITTEN. Why is this here, MEANING TO SAY WHAT CAN WE LEARN FROM THIS REGARDING THE MESSIAH? He said to him, Certainly it is so, THAT HE IS ALLUDING HERE TO KING MESSIAH, your (Belshazzar's) evil Kingdom shall be divided through the other Messiah, MEANING MESSIAH THE SON OF JOSEPH. Following that, the king of Persia will dominate and conquer many kingdoms and rule the Holy Land for twelve months. And he will rule and kill many, AMONG THEM Messiah, THE SON OF JOSEPH. After that, THE KING OF PERSIA will fall and holy supernal ones will receive the kingdom. Therefore, here too, the word "ufarsin" indicates the King of Persia.