Vayechi: Chapter 24

"Woe to the wicked, it shall be ill"


This section opens by stating that all wicked men are sad and that they say, "Woe." The wicked, as Rabbi Yitzchak points out, are those who spill their "semen in vain." Those who do this are called ra (evil), and it is the worst transgression. They never escape from Gehenom. Rabbi Yehuda further adds that it is the only sin for which one cannot atone.


The entire physical world is a shadow, a reflection of the Upper World. Everything on this physical plane has a corresponding counterpart in the supernal realm. Semen is the substance most reflective of the Light of The Creator. Hence, as raw naked energy must be concealed in high voltage cables in order to harness its power, semen must remain concealed in this physical world. When it is wasted in vain, through selfish gratification, and not used for the divine purpose of creating life and/or sharing pleasure with one's spouse, negative forces that dwell among us are free to use this energy for destructive purposes. This passage helps us cleanse sexual iniquities from the world and gives us the strength to direct our urges in a positive and sharing way.