Balak: Chapter 33

"My voice shall You hear in the morning, Hashem"


Rabbi Elazar talks about the title verse, saying that 'morning' is the morning of Abraham that is Chesed, when people should pray because it is a time of goodwill for everyone. All those who have sinned should pray for forgiveness. We hear about Raphael who carries all remedies and healing in his hand, and about how God looks for merit in people at the time of morning prayer. Rabbi Shimon tells his son that there are two mornings, one of Abraham and one of Joseph: both are of Chesed but the latter is revealed through the illumination of Chochmah. We hear that when God first made light it was too bright for the worlds to bear it, so He made successive levels of light to be clothed in it in order for it to be brought down to a level that the worlds could withstand. Joseph receives all the higher light, so his brightness radiates from one end of the world above to the other.