Vayigash: Chapter 10

"And the report was heard in Pharaoh's house"


The Rabbis comment on the role of the voice in prayer. The hidden relationship between the voice and the Sfirot is explained by the fact that an inner voice can be heard, just as an outer one can - but the inner voice relates to the Sfirah of Zeir Anpin in a manner the heard voice does not. There are, we learn, many different voices, and those including the letter Vav ו, are heard differently from those without it. The rabbis conclude that when the Creator raises up the voice that is now without the Vav, the People shall come home from their long exile to worship Him at Jerusalem's holy mountain.


Human speech is intimately tied to the Divine. The voice can summon forth both dark and Light forces. Different words and blessings resonate with the numerous supernal worlds that dwell on high, each realm bringing forth a particular ray of Divine Light to illuminate our existence. The ancient Kabbalists composed words and prayers that would radiate the brightest of Light in this world. This passage helps us stimulate the Light that shines in all supernal worlds. It inspires us to use our outer and inner voice to produce only positive energy.