Vayigash: Chapter 3

"For the Kings were assembled"


Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Chiya discourse on the meeting of the Kings, Judah and Joseph, which symbolizes the union of the Supernal World - Zeir Anpin - and the Lower World of Malchut. The section explores the significance of the unity of Male and Female, and the conditions most conducive for the atonement of sins. The positive effects of the symbolic meeting of the Kings is emphasized.


Humanity shares important attributes of the moon, like the moon, we generate no light of our own. Just as lunar light is derived from the sun, man's spiritual Light is derived from the bordering dimension known as Zeir Anpin. Light can only flow when these two worlds are conjoined, just as a lamp can only illuminate when connected to electrical current. On a metaphysical level, woman corresponds to Malchut and male denotes the realm of Zeir Anpin. Intimate relations between man and woman thus join Malchut and Zeir Anpin in this world as well as in the Upper Realms. The pleasure that accompanies this union is the Light of the Upper Worlds filling Malchut. When our consciousness is directed towards revealing this spiritual Light during sexual relations, the entire world is brightened and elevated. This section of Zohar raises our consciousness so that we can transform the sexual act into a force for bringing down Light, rather than as a tool of darkness. Moreover, the Light that is evoked through sexual union shines around the world as we meditate upon this passage.