Balak: Chapter 43

Aza and Azael, "falling down, but having his eyes open"


Rabbi Shimon explains to the rabbis that when God wished to create man many of the angels told Him that man would sin, and others asked him, 'What is man, that you are mindful of him?' God said that He wished to create man, and that man would be in their own image and would have wisdom higher than the angels. When Adam sinned, Aza and Azel complained to God about it, so He dropped them from heaven and reduced their holiness. Angels are capable of enduring only through the higher light that sustains them, and when their level was dropped the glow of their light was reduced. Rabbi Shimon talks about the manna that fell to feed the children of Yisrael in the wilderness, and says that it was from the dew that filtered down; when it encountered the air of this world its glow was reduced and it solidified. He goes on to say that when God saw how Aza and Azael were misleading the world He buried them in the dark mountains, from where they still teach people witchcraft and divinations; Laban and Bilaam learned from them. When Torah says that Bilaam heard "the words of El" this meant the words that Aza and Azael related of God's words that they had learned when still in heaven. Rabbi Shimon tells us that "falling down" refers to Aza and "having his eyes open" refers to Azael. He concludes by saying that the Shechinah dwells only in a holy place that is deserving of it.