1. Ra'aya Meheimna (the Faithful Shepherd). "Judges and officers shall you make you in all your gates, which Hashem your Elohim, gives you, throughout your tribes" (Devarim 16:18). In this precept, He commanded regarding judges and officers. Moreover, "but (Heb. ki, Caf Yud) Elohim is the Judge" (Tehilim 75:8). The numerical value of 'ki' is forty if you take into account that Yud in its full spelling equals twenty and Caf is twenty for a total of forty. After that, "Elohim is the Judge: He puts one up," Hei OF YUD HEI VAV HEI does "and sets up another" (Ibid.), THAT IS, Vav OF YUD HEI VAV HEI.
2. The following precept is to punish by sword, by strangulation, by stoning, and by fire. Whom do you punish by the sword? HE RESPONDS: Samael, as it is written, "for My sword sated in heaven, behold, it shall come down upon Edom" (Yeshayah 34:5), MEANING OVER SAMAEL, WHO IS THE MINISTER OF EDOM.
3. The sword of the Holy One, blessed be He, Yud OF YUD HEI VAV HEI, is the top of the sword. The Vav OF YUD HEI VAV HEI IS the body of the sword, while the two Hei's OF YUD HEI VAV HEI are the two edges of the sword, WHICH ARE THE SECRET MEANING OF: "justice, only justice, shall you pursue" (Devarim 16:20). Two verdicts are decided (lit. 'cut'), one from the celestial court and one from the terrestrial court. From this we understand that a person cannot do the least thing down here unless permission is given from up high.
4. The sheath of the sword, THE CONTAINER WHERE THE SWORD IS HIDDEN, is the name Adonai. There IN ADONAI, the letters of Judgments are found, SINCE IN ADONAI ARE THE LETTER ALEPH AND DIN (ENG. 'JUDGMENT'). In the reading of Sh'ma is the secret meaning of Yud Hei Vav Hei, that is the sword of the Holy One, blessed be He, AS MENTIONED ABOVE. About it, it is written: "The high praises of Elohim in their throat, and a two edged sword in their hand" (Tehilim 149:6), AS WAS EXPLAINED ABOVE. In the righteous, the life of the world, are included all the eighteen blessings, MEANING THAT THROUGH THE RIGHTEOUS, YESOD OF ZEIR ANPIN, IS ACCOMPLISHED THE UNION OF ZEIR ANPIN AND MALCHUT OF GREATNESS, WHICH IS THE SECRET OF THE EIGHTEEN BLESSINGS IN THE AMIDAH PRAYER. In it, "Adonai my lips open, and my mouth" (Tehilim 51:17) "My mouth," MEANS THAT YESOD OPENS MALCHUT, WHICH IS CALLED 'ADONAI.' In it, IN YESOD, the sword enters into its sheath. THAT IS THE MEANING OF THE UNION OF YUD HEI VAV HEI WITH ADONAI THAT IS ACCOMPLISHED THROUGH YESOD. "Then the king's wrath was pacified" (Ester 7:10), BECAUSE THE KLIPOT WERE CONSUMED BY THE UNIFICATION OF THE READING OF SH'MA. NOW BY THE AMIDAH PRAYER, THEY NO LONGER HAVE A HOLD AND THE ANGER SUBSIDES. The two names are joined, Yud-Aleph-Hei-Dalet-Vav-Nun-Hei-Yud, WHICH IS THE INTEGRATION OF THE TWO NAMES YUD HEI VAV HEI AND ADONAI.
5. THE PRECEPT to punish by strangulation: IN THE CANTILLATION MARK Zarka there is a line with a Yud entwined around it; the line is the Vav that extended from the Yud. With THAT VAV, Samael is caught. THIS ACCORDS WITH THE MEANING OF: "and they carried it between two on a pole" (Bemidbar 13:23). What is the pole of that wicked SAMAEL? HE RESPONDS: It is man, who is Yud-Vav-Dalet-Hei-Aleph-Vav-Aleph-Vav-Hei-Aleph, which is 45 IN NUMERICAL VALUE. Together with the four letters Yud Hei Vav Hei the total is 49, like the number of the 49 letters in the six words of the supernal unification, WHICH IS SH'MA YISRAEL and in the six words of the lower unification, WHICH IS 'BLESSED IS THE NAME OF HIS KINGDOM...,' which are Vav (= 6), Vav. That is the meaning of: "and they carried it between two on a pole," separated from them, without the Aleph between the two Vavs, because there is no uniting the Other Side. Instead, "they carried it between two on a pole," Samael and his mate, the world of the separated.
6. To the rope with which SAMAEL will be strangled are attached Hei-Hei (=five), meaning the five fingers of the right hand and the five fingers of the left hand. The Vav is the rope. The Yud is the strangulation OF SAMAEL AND THE SERPENT. The Name Yud Hei Vav Hei is death to Samael and the serpent and life to Yisrael. Therefore, it is written: "See now that I, even I, am He, and there is no Elohim with Me. I kill" (Devarim 32:39) other Elohim with My Name and all those who do not believe in Me, "and I make alive" (Ibid.) those who believe in Me and observe My commandments.
7. To punish Samael with stoning, THAT IS with a stone, which is the Yud. It is thrown at him with five fingers, that are the Hei, and with the outstretched arm, that is the Vav, and with the shoulder, where the Hei lies. And the thought throws THAT STONE at him, which is the explicitly pronounced Name Yud Hei Vav Hei.
8. To punish Samael with burning, THROUGH wood (or: 'tree') with which to kindle fire. Blessed is that body that is wood. Its members are pieces of wood in which a fire will burn, which is the fire of the commandment, in each member, to burn Samael BY the supernal Shechinah, THAT IS BINAH, with a tree that is Tiferet, and with all the trees, MEANING SFIROT, that are attached TO TIFERET. When the fire of the higher descends over the wood of the sacrifice, "the stranger that comes near shall be put to death" (Bemidbar 1:51), because he will be burned IN THE FIRE. That is the meaning of: "And the fire on the altar shall be kept burning in it" (Vayikra 6:5). Blessed is he who is attached to the Tree of Life, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, with his body and limbs, for he is a candle. Each branch is a candle of a commandment with his 248 positive commandments THAT CORRESPOND TO THE 248 BODY PARTS, THAT IS, A COMMANDMENT'S CANDLE FOR EACH BODY PART.
9. When both THE TREE OF LIFE AND THE COMMANDMENT'S CANDLE, WHICH ARE ZEIR ANPIN AND MALCHUT, are attached TO THAT MAN, this verse will be applied: "the bush burned with fire, but the bush was not consumed" (Shemot 3:2), NAMELY, MAN. Samael and the serpent and all his ministers, ATTACHED TO THE MAN'S BODY, which are thorns, will be combusted but the branches of the bush and its fruits and leaves will not be combusted. The Holy One, blessed be He, pointed this out to Moses.
10. The Holy Luminary, THAT IS RABBI SHIMON, said TO THE FAITHFUL SHEPHERD: Surely Yisrael are dry wood in the Torah, because they are connected to a fire of a layperson. They do not deserve to have a miracle performed for them. As soon as you descend on them with Torah, for your sake the Tree of Life descends on them, WHICH IS ZEIR ANPIN, and the commandment, WHICH IS MALCHUT, the candle of Hashem, which holds on to them and so they live. But the heathen nations will be burned by that candle. This is what the prophet said: "Therefore fear you not, O My servant Jacob...neither be dismayed, Yisrael...for I am with you" (Yirmeyah 30:10-11).