Vayechi: Chapter 26

The four kinds


This further describes the importance of the root connection between aspects of the lower and higher worlds. There are four things to cleave to: the Lulav, Etrog (citron), myrtle, and willow. Then, we learn of the significance of "the fifteenth day," the first of the three travelling Columns. Next, we are told that Yom Kippur is the secret of Ima, the day in which Binah sets the prisoners free, who name that day "the first day," and ask Binah for water. It is either the beginning of "Clouds of Glory" or of "Living Water."


Here we connect ourselves to the internal spiritual forces associated with the Lulav, Etrog, myrtle branch, and willow. These physical items work like an antenna. They have powerful spiritual counterparts in the Upper World which help us draw the Light of protection to our lives. We also destroy any judgments that might be pending in the Upper Courts, provided our hearts are filled with repentance.