Tzav: Chapter 9

Nefesh, Ruach and Neshamah of weekdays and of Shabbat


The Faithful Shepherd, Moses, says that the Nefesh of the learned scholar is called 'queen Shabbat' since it is the additional Nefesh bestowed on Shabbat. This additional Neshamah is drawn from Aba and Ima who are the Chariot to the Cause of Causes, Arich Anpin, which is totally concealed. The additional Nefesh is watered by the additional Ruach that is Zeir Anpin, the river that flows from Eden. We learn about the origin of the Neshamah and the Ruach and also that the Ruach is the aspect of "remember the Sabbath day" and the Nefesh is the aspect of "keep." Scholars of the Torah have nothing of their own, and anyone who treats them with contempt is showing contempt toward the Shabbat and the festivals. The wise student takes poverty upon himself because the Torah is food for man. We see the correspondence between the four faces of man, the four kinds of food, and the four Sfirot Chesed, Gvurah, Tiferet and Malchut. A man should sacrifice offerings, do confession, and concentrate on destroying his bestial Nefesh so that he can bring out his Ruach. The sages of the Mishnah taught that a man should always regard himself as though the whole world depended on him, and as though he were balanced against all the people of the world. Rabbi Chiya and Rabbi Yitzchak talk about the River of Fire, the burnt offering, a fiery stream, and the fire in the vision that Elijah saw. "And after the fire a silent fine voice" refers to Malchut, that is finer and smaller than all the Sfirot of Atzilut.