Pinchas: Chapter 105

The holiday of Pesach


We are told that the redemption will take place on the fourteenth day of the month of Nissan.

[Verse 705] Rabbi Shimon explains to Rabbi Elazar how the upper days, the Sfirot of Zeir Anpin, will be drawn to the lower days, to the Sfirot of Malchut. On the fourteenth day the animal, Malchut, will give birth to the lights of the Redemption and the serpent will depart. Then Malchut will be sanctified on high and will be called 'Glory'.

[Verse 709] The Faithful Shepherd says that the explanation given is insufficiently clear and requires more illumination. He tells the rabbis that "on the tenth day" means the nine Sfirot are in all directions, and that they parallel the nine months of a pregnant woman's period of gestation. He talks about "remember" and "keep" and "glory," and enumerates the numerology associated with this lesson.

[Verse 712] We are told how the Temple is sanctified.

[Verse 718] The Faithful Shepherd adds information about how the moon, Malchut, becomes full and is joined to the sun.

[Verse 721] Rabbi Chiya learns that the Paschal sacrifice is a lamb because a lamb was the idol and deity of the Egyptians, and it was hard for the Egyptians to see their idol tied and held prisoner and sacrificed in the fire. In this way the Egyptians saw the power of the God of Yisrael. Rabbi Elazar turns the conversation to the prohibition against eating leavened bread, and we learn that anyone who eats leavened bread on Pesach is met with death, and he dies in this world and in the World to Come.

[Verse 733] The Faithful Shepherd talks about the ten plagues and about God's intention to punish all the rulers of Egypt because they misled mankind and made themselves divine. He examines the reason why unleavened bread was to be eaten for seven days, and he brings in the factors of the seven Sfirot and the seven planets and the seven blessings.